A Guide On Hail Damage Repair

Hail Storms can be quite the pain for the residents of Colorado. Hail is formed when the rain droplets are carried up into the atmosphere where temperature is lower than the freezing level, due to which the small water droplets turn into ice spheres. When we become heavy enough that the thunderstorm cannot keep it in the air, they fall as hailstones. The hailstones can be as small as a marble or as big as a golf ball, depending on the intensity of the thunderstorm. If you ever get struck in a hailstorm with your vehicle then here are few dos and don’ts.

Do not speed through the hailstorm since speeding through the hailstorm could potentially make the vehicle damage much worse. The Hail stone will come down at your vehicle with twice or thrice the power which can result in holes on your car’s metal body. Your windshield may break into pieces and large dents will form that would require a lot of investment to get fixed. If you want to avoid the damage, try to slow down and drop your speed to the minimum and if possible stop your car. Moving vehicles is more likely to get damaged. Find a quiet place where you can pass your car and wait for the hailstorm to pass. While parking new cars do not park in the middle of the road or close to the road, in between the traffic. In the middle of the hailstorm make sure to stay inside your vehicle, do not try to get out to find a shelter. Doing so will only cause you serious injuries. Keep your body away from the Windows and wait for the hail Storm to pass.

If your vehicle gets damaged during a hail storm you would want to get it repaired and back into its original form. Here are the steps that involve getting hail damaged vehicles repaired.

Making Sure You Have The Right Insurance

You see that a hailstorm has dented your car, cracked the windshield, your door glasses now what you need to do is immediately check with your insurance whether they cover hailstorm damages or not. Most Colorado Auto Insurances do cover hail auto damage.

However, we would recommend going through the insurance policy with your Auto Insurance before you sign up a particular auto insurance. When you call your Insurance Company determine the extent of the coverage. See if there will be any copays, any deductibles, if you will need to pay any kind of out of pockets. If your car has gotten into an accident during a hailstorm, you should also ask whether collisions would be covered during a hailstorm. You also need to make sure what type of damages are covered, body damages, cosmetic damages, paint damages, mechanical component damages such as computer system damages, engines system, glasses, bumpers dents are some of the things you can check with your Insurance Company.

To initiate the claim process after hail damage, you will have to contact your Insurance Company. They will send someone like an adjuster who can inspect the damage and provide you an estimate of how much money they will cover and how much money it will need to get a complete repair from a company that is affiliated with the insurance company. When you take your car to a company that will repair the hail damages, you need to make sure the company takes your Auto Insurance. It should be a licensed and reputable company with proper licence and certification. Insurance companies will not reimburse for service that is done at a amature body shop.

Repairing Dents On Your Car

Dents can be repaired with two types of technique, first is Traditional Dent Removal Techniques and the second is, Paintless Dent Repair Technique. The type of technique used to repair the Dent on your car depends on the type of vehicle you use, as well as the type of dent formed on your car.

Traditional Dent Repair

In situations where PDR cannot be used Traditional Dent repair methods come into play. Some examples where PDR is inefficient is when the metal body is too damaged to be coaxed back into shape. When the paint of the metal body is cracked or damaged during the hailstorm. PDR method cannot be used when the car’s metal body has cracks or cuts, a simple PDR method won’t do the trick. In the traditional method of dent removal of the Dent is pounded out, a sealing putty is applied to the dented area to make the surface smooth. Then it is sanded, a primer is applied on the top and then it is finished off with paint matching the original color of the car. This process can take a whole week or more and cost double the amount of a Paintless Dent Repair Technique. If done right you’ll get excellent results that will make your car look flawless. Although it is labor-intensive, it requires a lot of time, supplies, thorough knowledge and experience to do it right. If your car needs a Traditional Dent Removal make sure to get it done from a licence body shop only.


Paintless Dent Repair is a modern take on Dent repair technology, where that dent is removed with the cost effective comparatively easy method. It does not need a paint job or for any other type of intrusive techniques to deal with the dent. Since different metals have different malleability, ductility and flexibility only professionals will know how to perform proper PDR method to get the metal back into shape. There are various various types of PDR techniques that can be used such as gentle tapping or massaging the metal back into shape, pulling into shape with vacuum pressure etc. PDR method needs specialised tools to bring the car back to its original shape. PDR would not need any primers or bonding putty. It is 100% environmentally friendly, there is no worry of damaging your paint job, is far less expensive and takes far less time.

PDR vs Traditional Dent Removal

PDR is always preferred over traditional Dent removal methods by most insurance companies. This is because of the inexpensive and quick service PDR offers. It also keeps the original warranty of the car, whereas traditional Dent repair methods will cancel out the original warranty.

Auto Glass Damages

Auto glass damages are quite common during hail storms since hailstones of various sizes fall on the vehicle’s windshield, side doors or back classes with force. It can shutter the glass or put scratches on your auto glass. It is always advised not to drive with a broken or cracked glass. It can not only obstruct your view, but the visual translucency can blur the vision and make it different to make a depth perception.During with a broken auto glass means you are putting your and the passengers inside your car at risk. With broken door gasses or windshield your car loses its essential roof support, since the windshield is broken your car roof may collapse on you. Distorted windshields can also cause the airbags to NOT function properly. In case of accidents the airbag would not be effective enough to protect you from injury if your windshield is cracked. Cracked or broken windshields also shatter at any time from temperature changes or from a small impact. That is why it is very important that you do not drive around with a broken windshield or any other type of auto damage. A professional auto glass repair shop will help to determine whether your autoclass needs repair or it needs to be replaced. For minor cracks, certain types of repairs can fix the auto glass. However, extensive damage would need the whole auto glass such as window glass, windshield, or back glass to be completely replaced. At Hail Repair Solutions Denver, we offer replacement glasses to make your car look as better as it was before.

How Is Auto Glass Replacement Done?

After hail damage if your car needs auto glass replacement our company can send a mobile team at your house or office. Our well equipped team can do this replacement within an hour or less. This is an easy process and with proper tools. We will take the necessary measurements and see the type model of the car and brand and determine the type of windshield auto glass to be put on your car. Our professionals have years of experience in replacing windshield and all other types of auto glasses. We can do this as quickly as possible. The auto classes we provide have their own warranty. You can be rest assured that you are getting the best product.

One of the first steps of replacing auto glass is to remove the existing broken windshield. This is done by removing the old trim. The windshield is then removed from your car and the broken glass pieces inside your car are dusted out, vacuum thoroughly and clean. Once your car is ready and primed for the replacement glass we apply a generous coating of urethane around the edges where the glass would adhere to the car frame. The urethane takes almost the whole day to set so you will have to wait a minimum of 16 hours before you can take the car out.

Paint Damage

One of the most headache inducing things in hailstorm damage is the paint damage. Minor dents and scratches where the paint gets cracked on the surface can be a headache. Giving your car to just a body shop and asking them to repair it can be a disaster. If you have a particularly luxurious car or a new car, a bad patch job with colour that doesn’t exactly match the original colour of your car, can make the car look cheap and reduce the resale value of the car. If you leave the scratch as it is, without repairing it, it shows how uncaring you are of your property. That is not an impression you would want to create on your friends, your colleagues or your business. So how does someone repair such a minor yet significant damage on your car. Professional body shops like Hail Repair Solutions Denver, have the experience, knowledge, training and tools to provide a proper paint repair job to any kind of scratches. The first thing a professional Body Shop will do is to determine the factory Paint code, because not every car model has the same kind of paint job. To apply a new layer of paint on the car is not that easy. Finding the correct touch up is essential. Next is knowing how much the paint is affected, whether it’s only the upper layer or the damage goes deeper. Some companies simply scratch out the upper layer and spray it with a clear coat on the top. However, if the scratches are deeper than a complete the paint-job of the area is required. We have professional custom paint mixers who can customise the pain that exactly matches your car. As a professional Body Shop company we will do all the necessary steps to make sure the paint stays on and is durable for years to come just like the original Paint on your car.

What To Look For When You Hire a Reputable Vehicle Hail Repair Company?

The auto shop should be a reputable one and should take all types of auto insurances. Look for reviews on Google and other Yellow Pages to determine the authenticity of the auto shop. Ask questions from the previous customers to get a feel of how they provide services. Compare the price, you should never be paying more than what is reasonable. Inquiry is the best way to compare the price, calling or emailing the company is one of the ways you can do it. Always go for local shops instead of shops that are far from you. No matter who recommended the shop to you, if it is not in your locality do not go there. Lastly, and most importantly, the company should be licensed. Their employees should all be insured and the technicians sent to work on your car should have proper certifications.


603 S Ivy Way, Denver, CO 80224


(720) 713-3504


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Mon To Sat 8am - 8pm